maandag 18 februari 2008

Online discussie

Een voorbeeld van een online discussie over The History Boys:

Discussion for History Boys begins here today. Initial questions will be posted shortly.

En die vragen zijn:

1.) Do you think that Hector, Irwin and Posner all represent aspects of a similar person at different stages in their life? How much do you think that temperament and changes in society have affected the way the men behave (or will behave)?

2.) Lying looms large in this film. At one point Dakin says to Irwin 'lying is good, lying works.' Do you think that the ways that various people in the film (the Headmaster, Hector, Irwin and the boys) lie are related to one another? Do you think that the film is telling us that being cagey to attract attention (as in applying for a school) is similar to lying about sexuality?

3.) Do you think that Dakin is a heroic figure in the film? Do you think he is heroic throughout the film or that he becomes more heroic at the end? Does he seem to be wiser than many of the adults around him?

4.) What do you think of the teaching styles of Hector vs. Irwin? Do you think that the film is trying to tell us anything about how to live our lives by comparing the styles of these two teachers?

5.) Although there is a good deal of frivolous play between the boys (as when they sing) there does not seem to be any serious or heavy sexuality between them. Was that a relief to you? Do you think it is good for a change to see a film where the boys have a clear notion that things may change - that they are still young?

6.) Why do you think that Posner tells Irwin that he is homosexual instead of telling Hector? Is it because he is closer in age? Is it because he doesn't want to wind up like Hector?

7.) Were you surprised that Rudge got into Oxford? Were you surprised by his reaction? Does he seem to be the voice of common sense in the film?

8.) What do you make of the contrast between Irwin and Hector in terms of the way they approach their sexuality? Dakin asks Irwin why he is so direct and challenging in his teaching but so cautious in his personal life - what is your answer to this? Do you think Dakin changed him?

9.) There is a notion that history is a series of inevitable accidents in this film. How do you feel about this notion? Do you see Hector's death as being portrayed as inevitable in the film? What about Lockwood's death? Is this related to the (overly simplistic) notion presented by Rudge that history is 'just one thing after another'?

10.) Did you like that you find out at the very end what has happened with all the boys - or does that feel like a tacked on ending to you? Would the film have worked as well with the memorial for Hector being the end? Did the various professions that the boys wind up in seem to make any particular comment on them (or on the inevitability of history) to you?

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